

进口机械 Machines

上海荷中经贸发展有限公司与欧洲花卉园艺机械供应商合作紧密,我司是荷兰Nobels公司在中国的独家代理,向国内种植业者提供Javo品牌的上盆机、泥炭土搅拌机、 大包装解压缩拆包机、穴盘填土机、移栽/疏盆机械臂,以及整个种植区和采收区的自动化系统。(您可通过扫码收看我司进口机械的视频集合)

We have established good relations with European machinery companies. We are exclusive dealer for Nobels BV. For Chinese growers, we offer JAVO potting machines, soil mixers, big bale breakers, transplanting and spacing robots, and total automation of planting and harvesting area. You may scan our QR code to get access to the videos of machinery.